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Ready to Freshen Up

the Way You Practice?

Our workshops for lawyers and other professionals will have you working in ways that your clients want and that are enjoyable for you.

Whether you are new to Collaborative Practice or are experienced in it, our trainings and workshops will provide the inspiration, skills and practical tools you need in order to work with clients in the ways they want.


More importantly, we don’t leave you high and dry after a training – having to figure out alone how to implement and get the most from what you have learned. We understand that to effectively use what you have learned depends on having ongoing support and community. That’s why we provide opportunities for mentoring and learning together as a group that continues after your course.



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Don't Miss Out!

To create for you the most effective, energising, online learning experience we keep our participant numbers low. Registration for our courses is strictly on a first come, first in basis.


To be among the first to learn when our programmes open, register your interest now.

What is Collaborative Process?

Collaborative Process (also known as Collaborative Practice or Collaborative Law) is a dispute resolution process that assists families to resolve disputes or transition through a separation more respectfully, amicably and peacefully.


Different professionals each bring their unique skills and expertise to the process, creating an efficient and comprehensive approach.


During the process, parties are supported to create outcomes that best meet the future needs and interests of themselves and any children they may have.


Professionals who work using Collaborative Process report that it makes for happier clients and a happier way of working!

What Best Describes You?

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I want to train in Collaborative Process so that I may work with clients to create more peaceful and respectful agreements.

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I am already trained in Collaborative Process but I want to refresh my skills or keep up to date with the latest developments.

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Good vibes sent our way...

“I have had the good fortune of participating in several workshops facilitated by Selina. Selina’s energy and passion for Collaborative Law is truly inspiring. Selina exudes competency and personal commitment to practice family law in a manner that is respectful and robust to best achieve settlements to meet the needs of parties and their children”


– Cilla Dickinson, Barrister, Dunedin

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